It’s difficult to say how long CBD capsules take to work. There are many factors that will determine the onset of a person’s medication, including their metabolism and weight.
In general, the rule of thumb is that it takes 30 minutes to 2 hours for a user to feel the effects. The reason people use CBD products is because of the way CBD interacts with your body. The endocannabinoid system (ECS), which is basically a network of receptors throughout our brain and nervous system, responds to cannabinoids like CBD.

What this means is that instead of ingesting chemicals or stimulants which mimic the effects of certain neurotransmitters in our body, it harnesses those same neurotransmitters. CBD products like capsules and oils interact with receptors in your brain, organs, and nervous system to create a physiological response.
This is one of the reasons why CBD capsules take longer to work than other edibles such as THC brownies- which you can feel almost immediately because they’re introduced into your digestive system and processed by your liver. Conversely, CBD products have to be introduced to your ECS – a series of receptors that regulate mood, appetite, sleep, and more- before they start having an effect.
The fact is, no two people will experience CBD alike. Some users may feel the effects right away while others may take longer. It all depends on the dosage and your body type.
For example, a heavier person will typically take longer to feel the effects than someone of average weight. On top of that, active people can “burn” CBD more quickly than those who are sedentary. It all depends on how you use CBD and what you’re using it for.
How does CBD interact with the body and brain??
In order to understand how CBD products work, it’s important to have some background knowledge on the endocannabinoid system. Inside of every individual is a network of receptors that make up what scientists call the endocannabinoid system (ECS). These receptors are located throughout your body and brain – including anandamide and 2-AG which are the body’s natural cannabinoids.
The ECS is one of the most important physiological systems in our bodies which regulate appetite, sleep, mood, and memory- just to name a few. Every major organ contains cannabinoid receptors that allow it to communicate with other parts of your body. CBD can connect with these receptors just like anandamide and 2-AG- which is why CBD can affect things like pain, anxiety, and more.
How does CBD compare to THC?
Even though the effects of CBD are subtle compared to marijuana, there are some key differences that distinguish these two cannabinoids from one another. Of course, the most notable difference between THC and CBD is how they affect your body.
THC is a psychoactive compound that causes you to feel high. In contrast, CBD is non-psychoactive and doesn’t cause any of the traditional effects of marijuana. This has made it possible for people all over the world to enjoy its benefits without feeling “stoned” or “high.” Even though they help with similar conditions like pain and anxiety, THC and CBD interact with your body in different ways.
For example, THC is lipophilic – meaning that it can interact directly with cannabinoid receptors without needing to be introduced into the endocannabinoid system (ECS) like CBD. This is one of the reasons why THC has such a dramatic effect on users- because it goes right to your brain and can bind to receptors there.