Some of the most intensively studied phytocannabinoids are CBD (Cannabidiol) and CBG (Cannabigerol). Interestingly, both compounds interact with different receptors within our endocannabinoid system in a complementary manner.

This means that CBD acts at cannabinoid receptor type 1 and 2 (CB1/2), while CBG acts mostly on cannabinoid receptor type 2 (CB2).

The recent surge in public awareness about CBD brought even more attention to all the other cannabinoids especially CBG. This is not surprising given that CBG benefits also increase significantly when combined with, for example, CBD or THC.

There is still much research to be done on this subject but so we know that both compounds act differently. CBG has a greater affinity to CB2 receptors whereas CBD exerts its effects more readily through CB1 receptors.

The human body produces some cannabinoids on its own, e.g., endocannabinoids. Our bodies can synthesize only small amounts of these cannabinoids, however, and cannot always meet our increased needs with the natural production alone. This is where phytocannabinoids come into play. They not only boost the effects of endocannabinoids but also interact with other non-cannabinoid receptors within the brain and immune system.

This article summarizes what is already known about CBD vs CBG but new findings are still being made every day! Therefore, this article will be updated periodically as soon as new information becomes available.


Let us take a look at the benefits of CBD and CBG, their interactions with receptors within our endocannabinoid system, and how they compare to each other.

1) CBD & CBG for Anxiety & Stress. As mentioned above, both compounds interact with different receptors within our endocannabinoid system in a complementary manner. This means that while CBD acts mostly on cannabinoid receptor type 1 (CB1), CBG interacts more intensively with cannabinoid receptor type 2 (CB2). According to results studies anxiety is linked mainly to the activation of CB1 receptors. For this reason, it seems that phytocannabinoids like CBD and CBG which interact mainly with CB1 receptors may help to reduce anxiety. In the light of recent research results, this assumption seems more than probable.

CBD has become a proven treatment for social anxiety. A 2014 study on how CBD affects social anxiety concluded that “subjects were significantly less anxious during the speech task” when treated with CBD. 

Another study found that CBG reduces conditioned fear response in rats suggesting it may have anxiolytic properties too.

CBD vs CBG Cannabidiol (CBD) is being used by people all over the world as an anxiolytic agent. Patients are using CBD oil to help them sleep better, alleviate chronic pain and reduce inflammation among other ailments. CBD is also known to act on serotonin receptors which regulate mood and emotional responses.

2) CBG for Bone.
Health Studies show that cannabinoid receptor type 2 (CB2) may play a very important role in modulating bone mass. CBG acts mostly on CB2 receptors so it was not surprising that different studies showed how this compound boosts bone health. It has been observed that CB1/CB2 agonists could help treat osteoporosis because they protect against bone loss, stimulate new bone formation, and prevent the development of osteoblast resistance to anabolic therapies such as parathyroid hormone (PTH).

CBD vs CBG Cannabigerol (CBG) suppresses cancer cell proliferation, suggesting a 2018 study. CBG induces apoptosis in various human cancer cell lines including prostate, breast, and glioma.

3) CBD for Glaucoma. Glaucoma is a disease that causes blindness because it damages the optic nerve from within. It is known that cannabinoid receptors play an important role in vision. CB1 receptor activation has been described as neuroprotective against excitotoxicity associated with the death of retinal ganglion cells (RGC). Therefore, cannabinoids can be used therapeutically to protect retinal function during ocular diseases by reducing intraocular pressure (IOP) and lessening neurodegeneration.