Preparing for your initial prenatal appointment could be exciting, and you likely have many questions. That is great! Asking questions could help you feel prepared and confident as you embark on your journey to motherhood.
Unfortunately, the excitement of your first appointment might make it difficult to recall all your questions. The best Edinburg, TX obstetrics encourages you to make a list of all your questions beforehand. Because every woman is unique, there are no particular questions to ask, but the list below can get you started.
1. Should I Adjust My Diet?
It is completely normal to gain a significant amount of weight during pregnancy. Nonetheless, to give your child the best start in life, you should reduce unhealthy foods and avoid specific items, which could result in complications.
Avoid processed foods, and increase your consumption of whole grains, fiber-rich carbohydrates, proteins, healthy fats, and vegetables. Besides helping you avoid birth complications, these foods give you and your kid the necessary nutrients and vitamins for growth and development.
2. Can I Exercise?
If you were physically active before pregnancy, most obstetricians advise you to continue exercising, provided they are not strenuous for you or your child. Exercising for several hours weekly helps you maintain a healthy weight, and ease swelling or back pain.
Ease up on your exercises as your pregnancy advances because your developing belly will begin to exert pressure on your diaphragm. Running will become more uncomfortable, and you will realize that your breathing becomes labored easily.
3. What Medication Can I Take?
Provide your obstetrician with a rundown of any chronic medication you are currently taking or have used in the last few years. It is also important to disclose any over-the-counter medications and supplements you are using.
Certain drugs may have side effects or cause complications, so confirm with your doctor before popping any pill. In most cases, your specialist can find you an alternative. However, if the medication or supplement risks your pregnancy, you might have to discontinue it altogether.
4. Should I Have Genetic Screening?
Based on your overall health, age, and whether you fall under the “high-risk pregnancy” category, you might require genetic screening performed at various stages of your pregnancy. There are various tests available, including prenatal testing for anomalies.
For instance, your physician may perform an ultrasound scan during your first trimester to test for Down syndrome. Discuss the different types of screening you can have with your OBGYN, and remember to mention any crucial family health history that might be relevant.
5. What Changes Can I Expect?
During pregnancy, your hormones constantly change, which could affect your energy and mood levels. Morning sickness is a prevalent symptom that usually starts in the early weeks of pregnancy and stops at the end of the first trimester.
Other common concerns to expect during pregnancy include reduced energy levels, varicose veins, gestational diabetes, weight gain, and more. For this reason, it is important to keep up with your doctor’s appointments so that they can monitor any changes and take action, if necessary.
Finding out you are pregnant could be exciting. It could also be overwhelming, scary, and bring many other emotions, sometimes all at one. That may be life’s way of preparing you for the emotional roller coaster of parenthood.
However, do not allow your emotions to get the best of you. Put your mind at ease by posing any questions or concerns you have to your OBGYN. OBGYNs have the right knowledge and can guide you on the best way to a comfortable pregnancy and safe delivery.